Empowering Women

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Rise Community Action – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Rise Community Action was developed to provide a voice for people living with HIV/AIDS and to create a bridge between service providers and service users who we found were not accessing available services. Our first project provided care and support for individuals living with HIV. Rise Community Action services have been extended over the years to include providing support services and activities for individuals affected by Domestic Violence and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), advocacy and empowerment sessions and sexual health promotion activities.

Our focus is on addressing the issue of Domestic Violence(DV), Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Sexual Health.   We are supporting individuals experiencing these issues, as well as the survivors, while raising awareness of the effects they have in Hackney and on the wider community.

Established to provide information, care and support for women living with HIV/AIDS in London, Rise Community Action has, since 2004, been unfaltering in raising awareness on issues surrounding HIV/AIDS by running workshops, delivering presentations and staging community events and educating the community about the spread of HIV.

Our vision is a world where everyone is given the best possible opportunities in life and where a medical condition or issue is not a barrier to opportunity and fulfilment.

Our strategic aim is to achieve this by providing high quality services that is intended to have a practical and positive effect on the lives of those affected with HIV, Domestic abuse or Female Genital Mutilation and their families.



Charity Number 1147332                                                                      Company Number 05617122